Marc Fredrickson is an alumnus of Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo (BArch 1990). After
graduating, Marc worked as a junior architectural designer in Sacramento, CA for
several years before earning a Masters of Architecture II at University of California,
San Diego in 1994. Upon graduation, Marc received an architect's license shortly
before joining Angel Studios, Carlsbad, CA, which at the time was starting to
produce 3-dimensional video games for the Nintendo game platform N64. His main
focus throughout his tenure was the design of 3D urban environments for game
design-playability and 3D art requirements. He worked in the video game industry
for 11 years for Angel Studios and Rockstar San Diego. In 2005 Marc left the video
game industry returning to architecture as well as joining FormFonts, a 3D model
entourage web-based service. He designed and acted as the general contractor for
his own house in 2007. He has a passion for resolving site and floor plans.
1994 – present: Architect Marc Fredrickson
2005 – present: FormFonts 3D Models
1994-2005: Angel Studios/Rockstar Games San Diego,
1994: Masters of Architecture II, School of Architecture, University of California,
San Diego
1990-92: Stafford King and Associates Architects, Junior Designer
1990: Bachelor of Architecture, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis
1986-90 Summers: Robert Heaton Architect, Draftman
1981-83: Tarman McFarren Architects, Intern
is the balance of environment, function, aesthetics,
form & budget, light and materials
Architect Marc Fredrickson San Diego, CA (619) 343-2651